Quelle: Hopeman Gifdump No.54
Autor: mikka102
The Cool Hunter – Lake Wakatipu House
Spectacular scenery – and sheep – are the first things that comes to mind for most of us when we think of New Zealand.
Quelle: The Cool Hunter – Lake Wakatipu House, Queenstown – New Zealand
Kleinstes Königreich …
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOHfJHaUMdw]
Stundenlang und bis zur schmerzhaften Sehnenscheidenentzündung wurde Anfang der 00er-Jahre das kultige Echtzeit-Strategiespiel Age of Empires II von mir und meinen Kumpels gezockt. Die Jungs von #CorridorDigital zollen diesem famosen Spiel auf ihre Weise Tribut. Ein interessantes Making-of folgt nach dem Klick …
Vietnamesische Micro-Häkelkunst
Rare Photos Of Famous People
Breathtaking Surreal Self
IBA-Hamburg Energiebunker: Neues Leben für ein Mahnmal
Photoshop? NO. These Are Real Animals
Family Face Mashup Photography
Think you don’t look like anyone in your family? French-Canadian photographer Ulric Collette might just be able to prove you wrong. Collette created mashups in which he takes photographs of two family members, edits half of each face and creates one seamless portrait. He calls it the “Genetic Portraits” series.
Mother/Daughter: Francine, 56 & Catherine, 23
Layers of Wire Mesh
Using a process that could be the new definition of meticulous, Korean sculptor Seung Mo Park creates giant ephemeral portraits by cutting layer after layer of wire mesh. Each work begins with a photograph which is superimposed over layers of wire with a projector, then using a subtractive technique Park slowly snips away areas of mesh.