Civilization in Perspective: Capturing the World From Above

As recently as a century ago the idea of viewing the world from above was little more than a fantasy: the airplane was still in its infancy, with rocketry and satellites still decades into the future. Those who could not take to the air had no recourse but drawing in order to represent their world from an aerial perspective.

Quelle: Civilization in Perspective: Capturing the World From Above | ArchDaily

Aus historischen Fotos Videoaufnahmen machen – Ein VFX-Artist tut es | Schlecky Silberstein

„The Old New World“ (Photo-based animation project) from seccovan on Vimeo. via sploid | The Very Best Of Everything

Auch das kann CGI: Der talentierte Animations-Spezialist Alexey Zakharov nahm sich historische Fotografien von New York, Boston und Detroit und verwandelte die Footage in Video-Aufnahmen.

Quelle: Aus historischen Fotos Videoaufnahmen machen – Ein VFX-Artist tut es | Schlecky Silberstein

Sculptor Carves Ornate Architecture Interiors into Small Blocks of Marble and Stone

Matthew Simmonds is a Copenhagen-based artist who carves miniature basilicas, rotundas, pillars, and passages from marble and stone. We first discovered his stunning craftsmanship in 2014 and took note of his masterful art—a combination of the skills he acquired as a professional carver and his continuing interest in sacred stone buildings that dates back to childhood. With care and precision, he uses the conventional commandments of architecture to explore the thematic implications of different sculptural forms.

Quelle: Sculptor Carves Ornate Architecture Interiors into Small Blocks of Marble and Stone