these fleeting moments-PhotoBlog: This Wind Blown Field, Late last week, Justin and I took a drive through Plainsboro for some lunch time shooting. It has been a few years since I had last been in that neck of the woods. I was pleasantly surprised however, to find that there were still some massive wheat fields ready to be captured. It was a breezy afternoon and the number of cars on these back roads were few. The gentle sound of the rustling wheat, was a beautiful accompaniment while we snapped away.
Schlagwort: photographer
28 Photos Of Crazy People Toying With Death
Versprechungen auf Namibias Strassen
Stundenlang, Kilometer für Kilometer haben wir Namibias Straßen für uns allein. Ich kann die Autos, die uns begegnen meist an einer Hand abzählen.Gute Musik und endlose Weite.
Roadtrip deluxe!
Quelle: Versprechungen auf Namibias Strassen | Namibia | Reiseblog
Lars Poeck fotografiert verlassene und unbekannte Orte in Berlin
“Berlin weigerte sich, die unchristlich zu Tode Gekommenen auf den öffentlichen Friedhöfen zu begraben. Doch wohin mit den angespülten Leichen unweit des Havelknicks? Diese Aufgabe lag beim Revierförster des Grunewalds. So entstand damals der Selbstmörderfriedhof.”
Quelle: Lars Poeck fotografiert verlassene und unbekannte Orte in Berlin – Mit Vergnügen Berlin
Rare Photos Of Famous People
Infinity Pool
Whimsical Illustrations Merge with Everyday Objects
Instagram continues to pave the way for innovative artists like graphic designer Javier Pérez, who regularly adds to his playful series entitled Instagram Experiments. Using a variety of everyday objects combined with simple line drawings, the Ecuador-based artist constructs whimsical scenes in all shapes and sizes.
Too beautiful to be real?
Life’s too short for the wrong job is a German online recruitment website. They have made these amazing advertisements with the slogan “Life’s too short for the wrong job”. Over the years they have come up with several other print adverts that have the same idea of real person operating the machine. This campaign has won many awards.
Don Hong-Oai
In 1979, a bloody border war started between Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China, and following a series of repressive policies that targeted Chinese immigrants, Dong Hong-Oai became one of the millions of “boat people”who left Vietnam during the 70s and 80s. At the age of 50, speaking no English and knowing no one in America, the artist arrived in San Francisco and was even able to set up a small darkroom.